Warning: "continue" targeting switch is equivalent to "break". Did you mean to use "continue 2"? in /home/celestecs/celestecs.com/docs/plugins/system/t3/includes/menu/megamenu.php on line 137
Adding Table Values as Operands - CelesteCS

Numerical Expression macro supports specifying table values as the formula operands. Both single cell and a range of cells may be specified. There are two variants of specifying table cell in the formula: 

  • Simple specification: table cell is specified by specifying its column letter and one-based row index, for example A1 or C7. Heading rows are taken into account. Exact table is not specified – the first found table of the macro or the whole page (depends on the Outer values source parameter) is taken.
  • Full specification (supported since v.3.0): Table cell is specified along with a table to take cells from, for example Table1.B2 or Table2.C1. Here are the naming rules:
    • Table specifications has the following format: “Table” + [Index], where [Index] is the –1-based index of the table on the outer value source  - macro or the whole page (depends on the Outer values source parameter)
    • Then goes “.”, as a delimiter between table and cell specification
    • Then goes cell simple specification  (see above)
  • Range of cells may be specified (supported since v.4.0): Two cells with ":" as a delimeter may be specified in the formula and all cells, enclosed with specified ones will be added as parameters of the function. Functions, which support unlimited number of parameters and ranges are:
    • SUM,
    • MAX,
    • MIN,
    • AVERAGE,
    • AND
    • OR
    • XOR

The specified cell value is used as a formula operand. To extract numerical value use Value function.