In this release:

  1. Long awaited statistical functions support:
    1. AVERAGEIF - returns an average (arithmetic mean) of all the values in a range that meet a given criteria
    2. AVERAGEIFS - returns an average (arithmetic mean) of all values that meet multiple criteria
    3. COUNT - counts the number of cells that contain numbers
    4. COUNTA - counts the number of cells that are not empty
    5. COUNTIF - counts the number of cells that meet a condition; for example, to count the number of times a particular name appears in the list
    6. COUNTIFS - applies criteria to cells across multiple ranges and counts the number of times all criteria are met
  2. Often requested math and trigonometry functions support:
    1. PI - returns the number 3.141592653589793, the mathematical constant pi, accurate to 16 digits
    2. SUMIF - sums the values in a range that meet criteria
    3. SUMIFS - adds all of its arguments that meet multiple criteria

In this release:

  • Math macro results cache is returned back. This feature provides optimizations in cases when one Numerical Expression macro value is referenced in another one. From now on the referenced macro value is not calculated twice, but read from cache instead
  • Smart page rendering. Starting from this release Numerical Expression macro does not render all other Numerical Expression macros on the page. It checks, which macros are referenced from the formulas and renders only referenced ones
  • Ability to reference one Numerical Expression macro in another one when trial license is used. Previously a trial version ‘*’ sign spoiled referenced macro values, now it's not

In this release:

  • Long awaited ability to use data from several pages in a single Math macro formula: just specify “[PageId]” before table field specification. PageId may be copied from the address bar while editing a src page, as it is a part of URI when Page Editor is opened. Usage example: “SUM([123123]Table1.A2:B4) / SUM([456456]Table2.B2:C2)”
  • Caching of loaded pages to make macro work faster
  • Better HTML to plain text conversion
  • Trial version sign double appearance fix
  • Removing unused extra code to make macro file size smaller

In this release:

  1. Support of JiraIssueCount function, which replaces the need to use Jira Issues macro to retrieve the number of Jira Issues. From now on you may specify JQL request as a parameter of JiraIssueCount function and it will return the number of appropriate issues. Example: JiraIssueCount(“Project = ‘Test’”)
  2. New set of functions – Engineering:
    1. BIN2DEC
    2. DEC2BIN
    3. DEC2HEX
    4. DELTA
    5. HEX2DEC
    7. IMREAL
    8. OCT2DEC
  3. New set of functions – Financial:
    1. FV
    2. IRR
    3. MIRR
    4. NPER
    5. NPV
    6. PMT
    7. PPMT
    8. PV
    9. RATE

In this release:

  • CurrentTable variable specificator support: If Math macro is placed inside a table cell, you may refer to the cells of its parent table with CurrentTable specificator, for example you may specify “CurrentTable.A2” instead of “Table2.A2”
  • Optimizations in reading own and outer page contents: own page content is read only once and then cached for further use; the same is done with outer page.

Note: both features are available in both Server and Cloud versions of Math plugin.

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