In this release:

  1. Long awaited statistical functions support:
    1. AVERAGEIF - returns an average (arithmetic mean) of all the values in a range that meet a given criteria
    2. AVERAGEIFS - returns an average (arithmetic mean) of all values that meet multiple criteria
    3. COUNT - counts the number of cells that contain numbers
    4. COUNTA - counts the number of cells that are not empty
    5. COUNTIF - counts the number of cells that meet a condition; for example, to count the number of times a particular name appears in the list
    6. COUNTIFS - applies criteria to cells across multiple ranges and counts the number of times all criteria are met
  2. Often requested math and trigonometry functions support:
    1. PI - returns the number 3.141592653589793, the mathematical constant pi, accurate to 16 digits
    2. SUMIF - sums the values in a range that meet criteria
    3. SUMIFS - adds all of its arguments that meet multiple criteria