The SUM function adds two or several values. One can add individual values, cell references or ranges.



SUM(A2; B3; C4)


SUM(double a; double b; ...)



double a    (Required)

The first number in the sum. This number can be some arithmetic number, like 7, a concrete cell reference like C2, or a range like B2:C4

double b (Required)

The second member of the sum

Minimum number of parameters is 2. An equal or higher number of parameters is supported.

Using SUM with other functions

One can use SUM function with other functions.

Using SUM with other macros

One can use SUM function with other macros.

Using SUM function across different tables

Any cell on any table on the macro’s parent page can be referenced in a function by adding a table specificator to the cell or range specificator. Table specificator is word “Table” and a specific table one-based index. Here is an example of SUM of several values from different tables:

SUM(Table1.B2; Table2.C2; Table3.D2)

Using SUM function across different pages

Any cell on any table on any page can be referenced in a function by adding page ID specification and one-based index of the table. Here is an example of SUM of several values from different tables:
