Some CelesteCS Math and CelesteCS JQL Extensions functions take field ID as one if its parameters. While system fields have exact field IDs, custom field identifiers are sometimes hard to find. Below are several methods that may help you to find your favorite field’s ID.

Please note that the methods, specified below, were tested on JIRA Server and JIRA Datacenter only and may be outdated when you read this article.

Find system field ID in a list

Standard JIRA fields have IDs, which correspond to their names. In most cases they have hardcoded IDs, which may be found in IssueFieldConstants class. So, here is how to find it:

  1. Open IssueFieldConstants class description page (you may find a newer version of this class description though).
  2. Find your field name in the list of field names. It may be a little bit different, because that are actually IDs but in most cases it’s easy to find the correlation.
  3. This field name is actually an ID.

CelesteCS products support the following list of system field identifiers:

  • versions
  • assignee
  • created
  • creator
  • description
  • duedate
  • environment
  • timeestimate
  • issuetype
  • issuekey
  • timeoriginalestimate
  • priority
  • project
  • reporter
  • resolution
  • resolutiondate
  • security
  • status
  • summary
  • timespent
  • updated
  • votes
  • watches

Find custom field ID using JIRA Home Directory and DB Browser plugin

To use this variant you have to have JIRA Administrator permissions.

  1. Install JIRA Home Directory and DB Browser.  
  2. Go to Db Console.
  3. Select customfield table and Execute.
  4. You will see all the custom field names and IDs, so take your one.

Find custom field ID using URL

This method looks to be preferable for JIRA administrators.

  1. Navigate to Administration / Issues / Custom Fields.
  2. Click the cog against your custom field and select the Configure or Screens option.
  3. On the opened page check it’s URL - it will contain fieldId parameter with your field ID, for example: http://mainserver:2990/jira/secure/admin/AssociateFieldToScreens!default.jspa?fieldId=customfield_10003&returnUrl=ViewCustomFields.jspa.

Find custom or system field ID using API

This method may help with both system and custom fields.

  1. Using REST API Execution Application or from your Command Line run (or you may just open this URL in your favorite browser):
    1. get https://My-JIRA-URL/rest/api/2/field
  2. This will return a JSON with a list of fields in your JIRA instance including their IDs.